hi there friends! it has been awhile since i have done an edition of my sweets and sours!
* my friend who got tickets to the presidential inauguration... never got in! he said that out of the 240,000 people that had tickets, 5000 of them didn't get in! he was one of the 5000! poor guy! i guess they had to re-arrange space and realized they had misjudged the room. the great thing is that he still had a wonderful, life changing time!
* my house is such a mess! i am feeling a little overwhelmed as to how to get it where i want it! i am trying to do a 30-45 minute power clean a day. each day i am going to choose a different room... we'll see what happens!
* last weekend we were able to attend a missionary farewell for Maurice and Susan Thomas. Maurice was the Bishop of my singles ward many moons ago
. we all were so close in that ward it was like a second family! for me, it was my family! we have even had several reunions since this Bishopric was released! there were about 20 of us that came for this special occasion! it proves to me of the astounding influence we have on one another! it has been 10 years since their release and look how many of us were there for them!

* kevin is back on track with his new shift. he is now working a 4am to 4pm shift and i love it! we go to bed at the same time and get up around the same time too! i actually feel like i am married! because i get to see my husband! wahoo! :)
* i finally took all of my Christmas decor and tree down... yesterday! i know! it was tempting to just put hearts all over the tree and call it good. ha!
* i am pretty excited! i ordered some new address labels for kevin and i! we ran out this Christmas, so for about half of the cards i sent i used some of mine and wrote kevin's name in! poor guy! i don't want him to think that he is an after thought!
* i had a really cool dream last night about an old friend of mine. he actually was my first love. anyway... i dreamt that he was going away (maybe on a trip.. you know how dreams get a little fuzzy in the details) and wanted to come and say goodbye. we are both married now, but we just wanted to sit and chat, reconnect and thank each other for the influence we each had on each others lives. it was a really great dream! this morning when i woke up i felt like we had talked! what a peaceful feeling!
* my friend jami came home from the hospital yesterday! she has been in salt lake hospitals since before Christmas! jami has been through so much in the last 1 1/2 years! i hope she is on the mend and doing better! i am hoping to go see her sometime next week!
* i have been reading a book about cleaning and organizing this week. i am hoping it will give me some great ideas for how to get my home back in order! so far, the tips have been super helpful. now... to apply!
* i have a really cool wedding date tracker on my facebook page! i have been married for 2482 days!!!! how cool huh? i am trying to figure out how to get something like that on my blog... :)
well, i better go shower and do a few chores today!