11 months.... really?
where has the time gone!!
here are some of abbi's best moments in her 10th to 11th month!!
* abbi loves loves loves her daddy!! and his hats!!
* abbi is soooo close to waving bye bye...
* she got kinda sick - her temp was sitting at 101-103 for a day of so. i took her to the dr and it was down to 99. they did test for a UTI and it was negative. whew!!
* i am wondering if abbi is gonna be a thrill seeker... she loves to hang off the edge of the bed!! silly kid!!
* she is quite the chatter box! we are hearing lots more sounds! NNANANANA - we think is nanny. LALALALALALA. giah gloo giah.
* if you put your hands out and ask for something, she is starting to hand it to you!!

* we flew to oregon for the soucy family reunion. abbi was soooooo good!! seriously. the best little girl!!
she did very well on both flights too!
she was voted "miss congeniality".
she was scared of rick (my oldest brother) . i think it was because of his facial hair... we will work on that so she isn't as scared next time we see him.
she loved uncle don and marcus ( my youngest brother) ! they made her laugh!
abbi warmed right up to papa! even let him feed her a few times!!
but the hit of the reunion, was aunt michele! she went right to her and snuggled. she never does that!! very cool.
she played with lori (rick's wife) and loved the kitty she bought her.
she even played with seth (my cousin mikes son) and his dog!
this trip included lots of firsts for her:
5 winery's ! HA!!
playing golf- or riding in the cart!
bowling- which she didn't really like. she was tired and it was loud.
she rode on a speed boat!! which she loved! just was upset when momma covered her up cuz it was cold!!
and she got to go to a toy store and got spoiled by papa!! and michele!
fun fun fun!!

* abbi is such happy little girl!! lots of giggles and smiles!
* she loves to watch the remote control car with daddy!! she is still scared of the remote control big truck he has though.
* what a beautiful smile!! she is such a tease too! :)
* abbi still loves momma and daddy's toes!!
* she has started "dancing" to music!! love it!! she started with the book that plays music. she makes a "one" with her finger, pushes the button and then sways back and forth in a rocking motion while sitting down. :) :) :) so dang cute!!
* such a big helper! :) wants to get into everything!!
* abbi will peek a boo around corners or out from behind anything!! it is so cute!!
* she enjoys growling as well... i think it is her version of a yell. :)
* abbi sure loves her books!! she will go into her room several times in a day and just sit and read books!! i love it!!
* the dropping stage has arrived!! abbi will drop things as a game- off of the changing table, couch, high chair... fun.
* have a mentioned she is a big helper? she loves to help unload the dish washer!! i have her help with the silverware (minus the knives) . she hands them to me one at a time, as i say thank you with each one. she smiles and hands me the next one.
* she loves to play with momma's phone! she dials papa (speed dial) all of the time! she has changed contact information, set alarms and even did a 3 way call!! -which i don't even know how to do!! ha!!
* the remotes are off limits for her because she does all kinds of crazy things with those too!! turns tv or dvr on and off. sets things to record. etc...
* one of abbi's favorite toys is the easter basket that annie gave her and the princess eggs i got on clearance. she will play with them forever!!
* busy busy girl!! into everything!
* abbi loves grandma maryann!!
* abbi loves to help daddy unload his cooler of soda when he gets home from work! she even puts most of them in the fridge!! :)
* she can be a wild sleeper sometimes!! ha!! she loves to move her bumper pads all over the place!
* finally she is sleeping all through the night!! 8pm ish to 7am!! wahoo!
* even though she is sleeping through the night, her going to sleep for naps and nighttime is not too consistent. sometimes she will go right to sleep, other times it takes alot of work!
* she is a tummy sleeper like momma and daddy. it is cute with her little bummy is stuck up in the air.
* we moved her to size 4 diapers for nighttime since she was waking up wet in the mornings. that seems to be helping.
* abbi loves to climb and test her limits. by doing so she has lots of bumps and bruises! bonks her head on everything!!.
* she makes a cute little fish lip smooching noise. very cute!
* abbi is eating lots of big people food now too!! cheese, loves veggies! if i put down peas, carrots and corn- she will eat all of the peas first! they are her favorite! which is funny, because she didn't like the jarred peas for awhile. i dont blame her... they aren't nearly as good as fresh or frozen!
* abbi really enjoys being in her walker. she will play "crash up derby" (as kevin calls it) by running into anything she can!
* we were getting ready to go get our bountiful basket one saturday morning and she wanted to get in!! i think my basket was very bountiful that week!
* i think she is teething again...
* abbi is such a lovey girl!! she gives loves to her dolls, bear, toys and diaper boxes!! hee hee!! the dolls can be upside down or sideways. it doesn't matter... she will sometimes give them a little pat on their bum too. she usually will then toss the doll behind her! love them and leave them! ha!
* we are lucky to be able to get some loves from her too. she gives us a little pat when she gives loves or hugs to us too!!
we love you abbi girl!! you are truly the greatest thing in our lives!!
momma and daddy...