happy day after mother's day...
i have to be honest... i would rather celebrate it a day or so later... it makes it not as difficult...
let me explain...
i love my mom! and i am so thrilled that she is living with kevin and i! we love having her here! and for the last 30ish years of my life, mother's day has always been about her and how lucky i am to have her in my life!
but the last few years have been a bit different.
kevin and i can't have children. and for the most part i have come to peace and acceptance with this knowledge. but some days... it is not very easy.
mother's day is one of those days.
i want to share a post from my friend,
maryruth... (who by the way, celebrated her first mother's day this year! wahoo! ) ...she totally voiced some of my very thoughts in this...
"... I won't lie... I've hated Mother's Day for the past 9-ish years... and I have a fabulous Mother... but the day was a reminder of everything that I couldn't have. Motherhood... something I'd wanted to and planned on my whole life. And to sit on the bench at church every Mother's day and listen to talk after talk about Motherhood and how it was our destiny and our greatest joy. And then to hear the children sing songs to their mothers. It got to be too much. I just couldn't handle it anymore. So about 6-ish years ago I stopped going to Church on Mother's Day... which is so not me... But I just couldn't do it anymore. I wasn't trying to make a statement. It was just the only way I could deal with things. ... "
i have to say... i echo these thoughts! i have a hard time going to church on mother's day... this year i had to work a graveyard shift on saturday night going into sunday... but i don't know that i would have gone, even if i hadn't worked...
this year was fabulous though! the day was celebrated with close friends and family! a very good way to help me remember what i should be celebrating...
maryruth goes on to say...
" ... There are so many wonderful women who deserve to celebrate today. ... that there are so many great, wonderful women in the history of the world who were never "mothers" in the traditional sense. One of my favorite examples in Mother Teresa She changed the world with her goodness and kindness and yet do we dismiss her because never had a child of her own?
So while I think its absolutely important to celebrate Motherhood (and I hope nobody feels like I'm diminishing that)...and I'm sooo grateful for the amazingly wonderful Mother that I have... and the mother that I hope to be... I also think it so important to celebrate Womanhood. Because really one woman can change the world. Happy Womanhood day."
i want to be like this... able to look past the hurt and tears...
i know that i will... it will just take some time. i have always known that i will be the best "aunt" ever! my friends kids will be super spoiled! :)
all in all, i am doing great. and i really feel at peace with this path i have been given... just everynow and again i feel this sadness...
no worries! i look forward to the future and what new adventures it holds!