Saturday, January 01, 2011


last year a very good friend of mine told me about a project of service they were going to do a as a family! i loved the idea and decided we would do it this year too!! with her help, i compiled a list of projects i thought would be good for my little family.
i want abbi to learn how to love others and be a compassionate person. i want to be more Christ-like as well. i want my sweet husband to feel the joy of sharing with others.
so i now present to you our plan of service...
The Little Project- 2011
Our Family Mission Statement: “A family with a purpose is a family who knows who they are, what they stand for, and what they want from life. They have goals and dreams and plans to make them happen. They are families who live their lives with a purpose.”
We want to be a family with purpose. We believe that because we have been given much we too must give. We hope that as we find fun and creative ways to serve that we will learn to be more thoughtful and caring people. By serving we recognize and are grateful for all the many blessings that our Heavenly Father has given us.
We know that some of the most rewarding activities our family can take part in together are those designed to help others. We want our family to feel closer to each other as we work together for a good cause and share the satisfaction that comes in helping others.

January~ Donate time and food for a Bake Sale for a co-worker who is fighting for her life. Make different treats to bring and spend the day working the bake sale booth.

February~ "Heart Attack" a friend, neighbor or church leader who has blessed our family. Cut out paper hearts in a variety of colors and sizes. Write special messages on the back. Scatter the hearts (possibly with a treat) on a front door, vehicle, etc. for the person (or family) to find .
March~ Contact the Child and Family Support Center and see what we can do to help them this month. Paint, move furniture, pull weeds, make thank you notes etc.

April~ We will each keep $25 in $5 in the glove compartment and drive-thru any fast food and give the attendant a $5 bill towards the payment of the next person in line. My motto has always been … Random Act of Kindness

May~ Look for a particularly happy or well-kept yard in our neighborhood. Write an anonymous note of thanks and mail it or leave it secretly on the doorstep. Express appreciation to this resident for adding beauty to our community.

June~ Take trash bags with us as we go for walks or go to the park and pick up all the trash we see.

July~ Make “my stuff” bags for foster kids so they have something to call their own.
August~ Donate Food. Each time we shop for groceries, add a few items to our cart to donate. When we’ve collected a bagful we'll deliver it to our local food pantry. We all need a variety of food to live healthy lives and that not everyone gets the nutritious food they require.

September~ Pack school lunch boxes for children in need. I’ll contact a local elementary school.
October~ “Boo” neighbors and friends with anonymous treats.

November~ Contact the Soup Kitchen in Brigham City and volunteer to work one day.
December~ Make Christmas a little brighter for at least one child by helping Sub for Santa.
may your year also be filled with love, happiness and service!!

1 comment:

JaNae said...

Great ideas! Good luck and have fun serving those around you. :)