Saturday, July 28, 2007
Thursday, July 26, 2007
after this commercial break!
ok... i am so sorry that i haven't posted in so long! don't give up on me! i am in the final crunch time hours of my inventory at sam's club! i will be back online next week for sure!
stay tuned... i will tell you all about it!
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
19 days, 6 hours, 5 minutes and 27 seconds

until Eclipse is released!!!
this is one of the most amazing series that i have ever read! totally amazing! if you have read them before, i recommend that you read them again before eclipse comes out. if you haven't read them, go to the library and put your name on the waiting list. (yes, they have a waiting list! they are THAT good! ) oh and did i mention that you probably should not read the back cover? ya... i know hard! but my friend maryruth told me not to and i asked her to tear off the back cover of the book (she gave the book to me) so that i wouldn't cheat! yup! true story!
anyway... give it a try! it is so great!
(thanks for this post idea maryruth! you rock!)
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
i have been tagged!
ok... so i was tagged by joy in the moment to list 8 random things about my education.
so... here goes nothing!
1. when i was a kid i always wanted to be a school teacher.
2. i attended a junior college in my home town for 2 years. i graduated with my associates degree in 1992.
3. after graduating from ojc, i transferred to adams state college.
4. i was admitted to the education program and loved taking those education based classes.
5. some of my extra-curriculum classes involved the theatre department. i totally loved them! i loved it so much that i minored in theatre. i took: oral interpretation, voice for performance (this was my FAVORITE!) oh... those were the days!
6. as much as i loved some of my classes, there were a few that i didn't love.... i actually failed 3 college courses!
- P.E. for the elementary teacher
i am NOT athletic! not even at an elementary level!
- Math for the elementary teacher
i hated the teacher. and i was "sharing" my text book with my roommate- who wasn't talking to me for 4 months. i did retake it with a different teacher and passed.. C+
- Spanish 101
ya... i liked a guy who served his mission for the church in Venezuela, therefore he spoke spanish. i thought this would be a great way to get tutored and live happily ever after. ya... didn't happen. matter of fact, i was failing before i even took the final. i approached the teacher the week before finals and asked her if i got 100% on the final would i PASS the class. she said no, so i didn't even show up. ya... i was a little gutsy back then!
7. ok... so now you are learning that i was not a very good student, but i did love college. i had a super great social life! i made friends that will last forever! we had soooooooooo much good, clean fun! boy oh boy! i think that we only did one illegal thing...
8. after my mission i thought that i would try the whole school thing again. so i attended utah state university. that didn't go so well either. this time i was going to try family and human relationships degree. i totally loved the classes, but i did horrible on the tests and homework. i learned so much though! i wish i could just go to classes to learn, but not be tested. oh... and while i am wishing ... the classes are free!
ok... i tag: holly, brenda and maryruth
so... here goes nothing!
1. when i was a kid i always wanted to be a school teacher.
2. i attended a junior college in my home town for 2 years. i graduated with my associates degree in 1992.
3. after graduating from ojc, i transferred to adams state college.
4. i was admitted to the education program and loved taking those education based classes.
5. some of my extra-curriculum classes involved the theatre department. i totally loved them! i loved it so much that i minored in theatre. i took: oral interpretation, voice for performance (this was my FAVORITE!) oh... those were the days!
6. as much as i loved some of my classes, there were a few that i didn't love.... i actually failed 3 college courses!
- P.E. for the elementary teacher
i am NOT athletic! not even at an elementary level!
- Math for the elementary teacher
i hated the teacher. and i was "sharing" my text book with my roommate- who wasn't talking to me for 4 months. i did retake it with a different teacher and passed.. C+
- Spanish 101
ya... i liked a guy who served his mission for the church in Venezuela, therefore he spoke spanish. i thought this would be a great way to get tutored and live happily ever after. ya... didn't happen. matter of fact, i was failing before i even took the final. i approached the teacher the week before finals and asked her if i got 100% on the final would i PASS the class. she said no, so i didn't even show up. ya... i was a little gutsy back then!
7. ok... so now you are learning that i was not a very good student, but i did love college. i had a super great social life! i made friends that will last forever! we had soooooooooo much good, clean fun! boy oh boy! i think that we only did one illegal thing...
8. after my mission i thought that i would try the whole school thing again. so i attended utah state university. that didn't go so well either. this time i was going to try family and human relationships degree. i totally loved the classes, but i did horrible on the tests and homework. i learned so much though! i wish i could just go to classes to learn, but not be tested. oh... and while i am wishing ... the classes are free!
ok... i tag: holly, brenda and maryruth
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Sweets and Sours
hello my fellow bloggers! get ready for this weeks edition of Sweets and Sours!
* very busy and somewhat stressful week at work. i was feeling pretty confident going into a meeting with my manager. 2 1/2 hours later... not so confident! and i had headache the size of china!
* one of my lunch dates cancelled this week. hopefully we will be able to reschedule next week.
* this is really for next week, but i am dreading it so much it is affecting this week.... i have to work 2 graveyard shifts next week. sunday and monday night! ick!
* one of my really busy days at work i was on the computer working on a huge stack of papers. one of the demo ladies came in and asked if she could use the computer. i told her i was in the middle of something but i would try to hurry so she could use it.
now, let me tell you a bit about this lady. she is a little oriental lady and she is a bit on the gruff side. she isn't always very nice or friendly. i have tried numerous times to talk to her and it hasn't usually ended with me feeling all warm and fuzzy from our conversation.
ok... so she needed the computer. i asked her what she needed to do and she said that she needed to put in a time off request but she wasn't really sure how to do it. i told her that i would help her and went into the program that she needed. she was so nice! she kept thanking me over and over. it really wasn't that big of a deal to me. but it seemed to be for her. i stayed with her and stepped her through each step and day that she need to request off.
when we were done she gave me a big hug and thanked me for my kindness. it made me feel so good. i have been struggling a bit with my attitude (especially at work) and i felt good that i had done something good for someone else.
now, it gets better! the next day she came in and gave me a thank you card with a candy bar!! how sweet was she! i was very touched that she was so grateful. i had never seen this side of her before. it was nice. and it changed me.
* tonight we had a ward (church congregation) summer party. we had a potluck dinner and then we went to the pool to swim. it was so fun! my best friend, ann, and her roommate, julie, came too! we all had a great time!
* i went to the library and got a few... books. a few? well 7! what was i thinking!?! 7 books! who am i kidding! am i really going to read all 7 in the next 3 weeks? maybe! ( i already read 2 of them, 1 of them was just today!)
* oh, did i mention that i read today? love reading! (apparently! i got 7 books! )
* kevin and i went and saw transformers yesterday. it was really good. i was NOT planning on going, so poor little kev went to the show last weekend by himself. but he raved about it so much, as did others, that i decided i would go. i was impressed!
* i bought more popcicles this week! i ran out and thought i was going to die! yummy!
* kevin informed me a few weeks ago that we are going to las vegas for my birthday. that is fun! i am excited! now, i LOVE surprises! so when the "box" with all of the info came this week, i told the delivery guy to put it in the shed around back. i was worried that i would see where the box came from and figure out the surprise and i didn't want to do that! when kevin came home i told him where it was. he said it was good that i didn't look at it.
that is all for now... have a good weekend!
* very busy and somewhat stressful week at work. i was feeling pretty confident going into a meeting with my manager. 2 1/2 hours later... not so confident! and i had headache the size of china!
* one of my lunch dates cancelled this week. hopefully we will be able to reschedule next week.
* this is really for next week, but i am dreading it so much it is affecting this week.... i have to work 2 graveyard shifts next week. sunday and monday night! ick!
* one of my really busy days at work i was on the computer working on a huge stack of papers. one of the demo ladies came in and asked if she could use the computer. i told her i was in the middle of something but i would try to hurry so she could use it.
now, let me tell you a bit about this lady. she is a little oriental lady and she is a bit on the gruff side. she isn't always very nice or friendly. i have tried numerous times to talk to her and it hasn't usually ended with me feeling all warm and fuzzy from our conversation.
ok... so she needed the computer. i asked her what she needed to do and she said that she needed to put in a time off request but she wasn't really sure how to do it. i told her that i would help her and went into the program that she needed. she was so nice! she kept thanking me over and over. it really wasn't that big of a deal to me. but it seemed to be for her. i stayed with her and stepped her through each step and day that she need to request off.
when we were done she gave me a big hug and thanked me for my kindness. it made me feel so good. i have been struggling a bit with my attitude (especially at work) and i felt good that i had done something good for someone else.
now, it gets better! the next day she came in and gave me a thank you card with a candy bar!! how sweet was she! i was very touched that she was so grateful. i had never seen this side of her before. it was nice. and it changed me.
* tonight we had a ward (church congregation) summer party. we had a potluck dinner and then we went to the pool to swim. it was so fun! my best friend, ann, and her roommate, julie, came too! we all had a great time!
* i went to the library and got a few... books. a few? well 7! what was i thinking!?! 7 books! who am i kidding! am i really going to read all 7 in the next 3 weeks? maybe! ( i already read 2 of them, 1 of them was just today!)
* oh, did i mention that i read today? love reading! (apparently! i got 7 books! )
* kevin and i went and saw transformers yesterday. it was really good. i was NOT planning on going, so poor little kev went to the show last weekend by himself. but he raved about it so much, as did others, that i decided i would go. i was impressed!
* i bought more popcicles this week! i ran out and thought i was going to die! yummy!
* kevin informed me a few weeks ago that we are going to las vegas for my birthday. that is fun! i am excited! now, i LOVE surprises! so when the "box" with all of the info came this week, i told the delivery guy to put it in the shed around back. i was worried that i would see where the box came from and figure out the surprise and i didn't want to do that! when kevin came home i told him where it was. he said it was good that i didn't look at it.
that is all for now... have a good weekend!
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
drum roll please!
ok... here it is!
my lie!
# 2 !
i have NEVER gotten car/motion sick! i can read, write, cross stitch... you name it!
congrats to annonomous #2, holly, maryruth and kris! you got it right!
Monday, July 09, 2007
six random facts and a lie!
ok... so i was on lisa's blog and she did this post! i thought it was great so i am doing it too! thanks lisa!
1. i have never TP'd someone before
2. i get really motion/car sick
3. i once lost 4 teeth in 4 states within 3 days
4. i was potty trained to a tree
5. while i was in the hospital my job was given to someone else
6. i have never broken any bones in my lifetime
7. i love mint and lemon flavored things
ok... now it is your turn... which one is my lie?
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Sweets and Sours
Happy 7/7/07!!!
Here is this weeks lists of Sweets and Sours!
* it has been soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo HOT here!
* my blog has a new look! i like it! so fun!
* today is 7/7/07! we did something different today! since it is 7/7/07, you can do 7 things between 7am and 7pm! we started at 7am and every 2 hours until 7pm did something- that makes it 7 times on 7/7/07!!! kinda fun!
* we had a PSP retreat yesterday at work. no, it was not a "playstation portable" retreat, but rather a "personal sustainability practice" retreat. basically it means that i am committing to do something that will not only better my community but myself too. for example my PSP is to recycle. i am also going to change all of the light bulbs in my home to the squiggly bulbs to save on energy! this is a company wide program and i was chosen to be one of the captains in my club. it is very exciting to see the differences we can have on our community and the environment! check it out!
* another busy week at work, but i survived! not even too stressed out!
* the candles that i ordered at yankee came in! so yummy! i love yankee candles! they are the best! the website has really great deals! i got mine buy one get one free! can't beat a BOGO!
* i hosted a baby shower on monday and it went great! it was a joint shower for 2 of my friends at work. one is having a boy and the other a girl, so it was fun to decorate with both pink and blue!
* went to a 4th of july parade this week and got a little sun burned... but that is ok, because i need the color! i am a pretty white girl! i used to joke that my family and friends would love to take me camping with them because i was such a good night light!
* had lots of popsicles and sherbet this week... it has been incredibly hot and they make me cool right down! love them... ice cream is typically for the winter and sherbet and popsicles are for the summer, in my opinion!
* last night there was a bird in our basement!!! a real bird!!! i was upstairs on the computer and kevin was downstairs playing video games and he called me to come downstairs for a minute. when i went down he was wearing my gardening gloves and looked very exhausted. i asked what he was doing and he said that there was a bird down there and he had been trying to catch it. it was over in the back corner and he just needed to find out where it was for sure so that he could catch it! it was so hard not too laugh... he was so determined to catch that bird! i went into the bathroom for a minute and he yelled and said that he found it. it had cornered itself under some boxes and kevin easily caught it. he was so dang cute. he was talking so sweet to it, telling it everything was ok and he wasn't going to hurt it. kevin came and showed it to me and then the bird started squawking so kev took it outside and let it go! i so wish i would have ran upstairs to grab my camera! it was a priceless picture! kevin wearing my gloves, sweet talking the bird to get it to calm down!
what are your sweets and sours for the week?
will you join me and choose a psp?
let me know what it is?
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
cute toes!
ok... so i have NEVER gotten a pedicure before... and i was in need of some pampering -
so... wala!!
cute toes!
they gave me these silly little flip flops to wear home so i wouldn't mess up the polish! so fun! never had painted toes before! i like it!

i called ann and told her that i think this is the cutest my feet/toes had ever been and she said... well i am sure you had cute feet when you were a baby! every baby has cute feet! ha! made me laugh!
thanks ann!
this is fun! i am definitely going to do this again!!!
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