8 things I'm passionate about:
Friday, September 28, 2007
crazy 8's
8 things I'm passionate about:
Thursday, September 27, 2007
random thoughts
~ i love blogs! i feel like i actually "know" all of you! (well... some of you, i do know!) isn't it great!?
~ i have to go to a corn maze tonight with the young women/young men in our ward. i am not really looking forward to it... not a fan of corn mazes...
~ kid nation... love it! have you watched it? i think it is pretty cool!
~ i could/should do a whole post on "my" tv shows! i watch several, but then again, there are lots that i don't watch...
~ i cannot wait until monday! october !!! i think it is the best month of the whole year! wahoo!!!!
~ i have a huge surprise for my husband for his birthday/christmas! i can't tell you now... just in case he will read this... but let me just say... it is HUGE! he will love it!
~ i love playing bunco! i never really told my story about the first bunco that we had a few weeks ago! it was really fun! there were only a few girls that knew how to play, but everyone caught on fast! i think/hope that everyone had a good time! our next one is the week before my birthday! i can't wait! bunco... so fun!
well, i think my random thoughts have come to an end...
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
i am having a party!!!!

ok... so i am hosting a pampered chef catalog show! and all of you are invited!
the guest special this month is :
cookbooks and seasoning mixes for only $15!
if you need to get anything or can't resist the special, let me know by October 1st! this is going to be so fun!!
Check out the catalog online and let me know what you want to order!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
5 whole years!

i don't think that i have ever had a job for that long! wow! go me!!! i did work at walmart before my mission and i was there for 4 1/2 years, but never more than that!

i really enjoy my job, most of the time. i work with a great group of people and have made lasting friendships.
in the 5 years that i have worked at sam's club, i have had 3 general managers, over 20 assistant/area managers, worked in 3 areas and have cross-trained in an additional 6 departments! only 4 people out of my original 25 people orientation/training still work there! and one of them is currently on my team!
i started off as a part-time cashier. i was hired on 9/13/02 and our brand new club didn't open until 10/10/02. about 3 months into my job i was taken to full-time. after 8 months as a cashier i was promoted to a c.o.s. (check out supervisor), however, it was a part-time position. i quickly became full-time again and worked in this position for about 2 years. in april of 2005 i was offered the position of audit lead. this job was a great opportunity for me. i was now in charge of the entire inventory for the club. i came into the position at a great time. they were heading into the "inventory season".
even with the stress of that i still felt like i was the lucky one. i said often, "i was just given better hours, less stress and more money!". who could ask for anything more.
in the 2 1/2 years that i have been the audit lead i have worked with 6 different associates. it has definitely been a roller coaster ride some days, but for the most part, i am happy. i have a great team right now and i appreciate all that they do to make my job easier! thanks colleen and ann! i couldn't do it without you!
and thanks sam's club! i am proud to be a part of your team!
Sunday, September 16, 2007
sing with me now!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
I'm leavin...
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Sweets and Sours
* my house is still a bit of a mess. i just am not finding the time or the energy to do anything about it.
* it is sunday afternoon, at that means that my weekend is almost over! i don't want it to be over!
* i don't really like the color of polish on my toes... (more later... on my "sweet" list)
* my mom was here all weekend! we had so much fun! her birthday is on thursday (9/13) so she came up this weekend to celebrate with us! here is what we did!
* i bought my mom her first pair of sandals! at least the first pair in the last decade! she is not really a sandal wearer... but i wanted to get her some to show off her new pedicure!!!....

* while we were waiting for our toes to dry we decided to go to the bead shop! oh my goodness! the entire shop is as big as my living room, however, my mom and i were there for over 1 1/2 hours! it was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fun! we spent a good chunk of money, but it was worth every penny!
* of course since we bought so many beads, we had to go to michael's and get some little storage bins for all of them...

i need your help in choosing my pic... which one do you like? i will crop them and maybe change the coloring a bit... but overall picture... which one do i choose?
thanks for all of your help! hope your weekend was fun too!
Friday, September 07, 2007
check me out!

anyway... just wanted to tell ya...
Thursday, September 06, 2007
count down to bunco!
our first night will be next tuesday night! i am getting so excited!
it will be at my home first, and that means that i am in charge of dinner and prizes. for dinner i think that i am going to do hawaiian haystacks. they are very yummy and fun to make!
i love the color lime green... so i am making everything that color for the bunco group... the travel bug is a lime green fuzzy dice. the table dice are green. plates, napkins, cups... lime green. i am going to put the treats for the tables in green bowls... etc...
but i am not sure what to do for the prizes... any ideas?
the 2 times that i subbed the prizes were really fun.... summer stuff, and bath and body works...
what are your ideas? i need to get prizes in the following price ranges:
$15 i need 2 of this price range
$5 i need 7 of this price range
any ideas?
Monday, September 03, 2007
happy labor day!
anyway... my lesson went ok yesterday. i only had about 15 minutes to give it. we had lots going on yesterday....
have i mentioned that one of the guys that used to work with me at sam's club moved in with us? yup... he is trying to move home to washington soon, but needed more time to get all of the loose ends tied up here first. he will probally be here about 6-8 weeks.
i am almost done with my christmas cards! wahoo! i am going to have my mom take some pictures of us this weekend for them and that'll be it... for the most part! i like to make cards, but if i wait too long in the season i get a bit stressed and nothing gets done! so i start early every year!
all right... enjoy your holiday!
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Sweets and Sours
* i am very very tired right now! i got up at 2am in order to be at work at 3am! wow... needing some sleep.
* i have to teach a lesson tomorrow in young women's on the sacredness of procreation.... wow... great topic huh?
wish me luck....
* i am going to bed soon.

* yesterday marked the 10 year anniversary of princess diana's death. i really liked her. i remember watching her get married when i was a little girl! it was every girls dream to be a princess and this girl did it! how cool!
what were you doing when you found out that she had died? i was working at coach house gifts with my good friend noelani. we both were so upset when we found out that we cried. it was a hard night...
anyway... i remember her with fondness, that is why she is on my sweets...
* i have lots of other good things that are going on right now, i am just so tired i can't think of them...
for now... jennie