Monday, October 29, 2007
happy birthday holly!

Friday, October 26, 2007
Sweets and Sours
* my birthday is over for this year... i am very bummed! it went by so fast! however, i usually am in party mode up until the end of the month...
* i didn't hear from my dad for my birthday...i am sure he is very busy... but still, kinda made me sad...
* i have to work a couple of overnight shifts next week. we are going overnights sunday and monday night! yuck! we are counting clothing. they are the worst 2 categories to count because there are a million items to count! picture yourself in a clothes store and every single item, color and size is a different number and you have to count each one!!! yuck!! big yuck!
* i am way behind with all of my tv shows! i have been so busy the last couple of weeks that i haven't been able to watch my recorded shows! thank heavens for DVR!!!
* some friends of mine are going to the scrapbook house next weekend and i can't go! i am so bummed! we all went last february and had blast! i had been looking so forward to it! that's ok... i am going to be in seattle... but still! have fun girls! i will miss you!
* it is still october!!! ya! love it!
* went to lunch today with one of my very best friends, holly. we get together about once a month to have lunch and catch up! i love this little tradition that we have! she made me the most delicious chocolate peanut butter brownies! so good! thanks holls!
* my husband is such good man! he loves me for who i am, not who i wish i was.... he has been so good to me. spoiled me rotten! love it! and him!
* i had a great time in kansas city for a scrapbook show. i was a little out of it when we went. i was still in vacation mode from our weekend in las vegas and wasn't really wanting to be there... but the minute we started doing stuff... setting up the booth, seeing friends, going to fun places to eat, selling scrapbook supplies, running the make and take at the booth... i was so glad that i was there. i have made incredible friends there and am grateful everyday for the opportunity i have had to work in this industry as my "side job".
* i am listening to chris daughtry now... i love him!
* my team (colleen and ann) at work and i have come up with the most amazing halloween costume! i am so excited for it! i am not sure that everyone will get it, but we think it is great! i will make sure we take pictures and i will post them!
* i get to go to seattle next week for the last scrapbook show of the year. i love seattle! last year maryruth and i stayed a few extra days to sight see. it was so fun! unfortunately, i can't stay late this year, but i am still pretty stoked to go...
* i have ben wearing orange everyday the last week in one way or another... i love october, halloween and fall!!! it makes me so happy!
* next weekend is our young women's in excellence for our ward. i am helping set up the invitations, programs and name plates. our theme is "In this Very Room... " there are girls that have talents... girls that are gifted... girls who set and accomplish goals... girls that make a difference. we are having little wooden blocks with vinyl lettering made that say "In this Very Room..." for each girl to remember this great night! i am so excited! amber is making them for us! her prices are amazing and she can do just about anything that you want! love it!
* i am in the mood to scrapbook, but haven't really had the time to! i think that i am going to set some time aside tomorrow and do it! i have a few projects that i have really been wanting to do but have not been able to.
* saw my friend barbi today at work! i have not seen her since may!!! way too long! anyway, it was great to see her!
* tomorrow morning our young men/young women are going to "the best of especially for youth" at the tabernacle. i love it! it was so incredible last year! i am thrilled to be a part of it again this year! it is such a spiritual lift for me.
* last night we had our ward fall carnival! it was super fun! each organization was responsible for a different activity... the young women had the cake walk! i wasn't able to help with it because i am also on the activities committee... i was the one in charge of the costume contest. we had some great costumes! very creative!
* i LOVE celine dion! she is so great! and i thought i loved her before... now i am an even bigger fan! oh.. and kevin bought me the cd from the show!!! i can relive it any time that i want!
* i am loving working with my best friend, ann, at sam's club! it has been so great!
* how did i ever function without my DVR? it is one of my favorite inventions!
* gilmore girls season 7 will be released next month!! i am soooooooooooooooo excited! i have been waiting so (im)patiently!! see, i never saw it because i was watching season 6 on dvd when the 7th season was airing... i am hoping that when the release 7 that they will have a screaming deal on all of the seasons! cuz i really want them all!!!
* i also want to thank each of you for your kind words for my birthday! i really appreciate it!
ok... i am going to watch some of those shows that are waiting for me on my dvr.... lol!
tell me... how are you? i have missed you...
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Monday, October 15, 2007
It's my birthday!!!

Sunday, October 14, 2007
Celine Dion!!!

friday night we went to fam

that night noe and i stayed up late visiting. it was so fun! it had been way too long since we have been able to do that! thanks noe!
noe was cleaning out her scrapbook stuff and gave me oodles! it was like christmas... or my birthday!! lol! thanks so much! i love it all, noe!
kevin really wanted to go the buffet at the rio on saturday afternoon. it was really good! they have so many different kinds of food! yummy!

after a great lunch at the rio we went to our hotel. we napped for a bit and then got ready for our evening. kevin wanted me to open my birthday gifts too. he gave me a couple gift certificates too! one to michaels and seagull book! how fun! i love gift certificates!
the last one was tickets, i could tell by the shape.... i was nervous to open them. i told him that i wanted to open them as we were pulling into the parking lot, but he really wanted me to open them then. i figured since he had kept this big secret for 4 months, i could open them then!!
Celine Dion.
A new day

i was so excited!!! i cried!!!

we headed over to caesar's palace for the show!
we were super early so we wondered the forum shops and of course we HAD to go to the Celine Dion Store!!

we waited outside of the colosseum in ceasar's palace and finally we were able to go in!
we were up in the 2nd mezzanine level, but the seats were still amazing! the stage was huge and i was thrilled to be there!
the had a bar at each level so people could get drinks before the show. kevin and i got virgin margaritas! yummy! we got to keep the cups as souvenirs!
when the show started i was so excited! i am not sure how i sat still! celine in amazing! not only can she sing and dance, but she knows how to put on a show! the set/stage, dancers, musicians... overall talent was so very incredible!
i will always remember it! what an wonderful weekend!
i am so lucky to have a husband who knows me so well! this was the perfect gift! and i am so grateful! i love you kev!
i am on a birthday high... and the actual day isn't until tomorrow!!! that is the way i like it! birthday... birthweek.... birthmonth...
love it all!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
viva las vegas!!!

Sunday, October 07, 2007
Friday, October 05, 2007
you lift me up!

i would now like to nominate the following blog friends:
thanks for making a difference to me and "lifting me up"!
Monday, October 01, 2007
Happy October!!!

The time has come! October is here!!!!

The Best Month of the Year!!!

Let the fun begin...
i love this time of year! pumpkins, costumes, crisp air, leaves changing their color, and warm apple cider!
this is a time of love, warmth and joy!
(at least for me...)
i hope that you enjoy this month as much as i do!